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Sharkovshchina Regional Executive Committee
12 July 2023

Imports from Russia to make up for small shortage of grain in Belarus

During his working trip to Orsha District Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko was told that a small shortage of grain that is expected this year due to adverse weather conditions will be compensated by imports from Russia, BelTA has learned.

Agriculture and Food Minister Igor Brylo expects a generally good harvest of grain and leguminous crops this year. Naturally, the drought has had its toll. Belarusian agricultural workers are to harvest enough grain and fulfill public procurement orders. In addition to that, there are stocks from last year. Yet, to ensure sustainable operation of animal husbandry, it is necessary to purchase relatively small amounts of grain from Russia. At the moment, there are plans to buy 0.5 million tonnes.

The head of state noted that now the market is offering good purchasing prices, therefore it is necessary to take action. “We need to buy it while it is cheap. And even if the price for purchased grain is close to the prime cost, we need to buy and put it in storage facilities if we have enough storage capacities. This is a kind of gold and foreign exchange reserve. Grain will always be in demand,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

The president was also told that almost half of the winter barley was harvested. The yield is not bad even despite the drought. The head of state once again noted that the chosen strategy for the cultivation of this crop was correct.

The discussion also touched upon the cultivation of sunflower. Aleksandr Lukashenko had personally examined the condition of this crop on the fields: “I saw such a good sunflower only in Ukraine when I was a child. It is growing well. It could be used as animal feed if we don't have enough fodder. It is taller than me. We need to think what to do with it considering the drought.”

The head of state was also informed about the condition of other crops and harvesting prospects.