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Sharkovshchina Regional Executive Committee
18 November 2022

Lukashenko awards best Belarusian agricultural workers

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko presented state awards at a ceremony to honor best agricultural workers in Minsk on 18 November, BelTA has learned.

Almost 600 specialists were invited to attend the event. These were not only heads of agricultural enterprises but also many agricultural workers, including tractor drivers, cattle breeders, milking machine operators and representatives of many other professions.

The president thanked the rural workers for their diligence, professional choice and dedication. “Every year, you prove with your successes that our native land is in good hands,” he said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko wished everyone strong health, happiness and wellbeing, and also peace and kindness to the Belarusian land.

The head of state said that perhaps today's celebration in the Palace of Independence would give birth to another tradition of modern Belarus, based on the traditions of the past. “All the districts and regions of the country held Dazhynki celebrations,” he said. The number of qualified and hard-working rural specialists keeps increasing and it is impossible to honor them all in the Belarusian capital. Many of them are awarded for their work on site,” he said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko conferred state awards - orders, medals and badges of honor - on the best workers of the agricultural industry who had achieved the best results in their work.

Among them was Vyacheslav Kashtalyan, director of Agro-Motol, who was awarded the Order of the Fatherland, 2nd class.

The Order of Labor Glory was awarded to Valentina Romanyuk, a machine milking operator at Ostromechevo, Ivan Potopovich, an AI operator at Lyakhovichsky farm, and to Grigory Shpakov, Chairman of the Board of the 50 Let Oktyabrya farm.

At the awards ceremony, Grigory Shpakov thanked the president for the high award and credited all employees of the farm who work hard to achieve high results. "This is the merit of those who, sparing no time and effort, from dawn to dusk, work in the fields and farms for the benefit of their farms and our beloved Motherland," he said.

The Order of Honor has been presented to Vasily Zhelengovsky, Director of Agro-Sad Rassvet farm, Konstantin Koleda, Professor of the Plant Growing Department at Grodno State Agrarian University, Yelena Mateiko, a forewoman of the production brigade for animal husbandry at Novy Dvor-Agro.

A number of agricultural workers were honored with the Medal for Labor Merits. Six employees were awarded the Honored Worker of Agriculture of Belarus titles.

As BelTA has reported, on 14 November Aleksandr Lukashenko signed a decree to honor 78 people with state awards for services to agriculture. The head of state also signed a resolution to present the president's commendation letters to representatives of organizations, enterprises and educational institutions of the agricultural industry.

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