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Sharkovshchina Regional Executive Committee
17 January 2022

Lukashenko calls on Belarusians to be patriots, to take pride in their country

Today it is not enough to be just a professional or achieve results in art or sport. You need to be a patriot, to take pride in your country and publicly defend the state course, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a reception to mark the Old New Year I Minsk on 14 January, BelTA has learned.

Aleksandr Lukashenko thanked everyone who loves their native country, who remains devoted to national interests and understands the burden of responsibility that has fallen on the shoulders of the modern generation.

"First of all, I would like to address journalists. You, dear friends, are at the forefront of events. You live through facts and opinions, fight against the information attacks on Belarus. Last year I urged you to work harder. You heard me. Well done. You did not disappoint and took the information agenda firmly into your hands," the Belarusian leader said.

Addressing the opinion leaders and analysts present at the reception, the head of state stressed: "Without exaggeration, your intellect is a powerful weapon at a time of the information warfare. At a critical moment in history, you defended the interests of the state by taking a united front and showed yourself as true patriots."

The president also thanked everyone who works shoulder to shoulder with him in public administration. "In one of the regions, I said that no president has such people as you. Not because we are perfect or because we don't make mistakes. We have made great progress in terms of the quality of the civil service in our country. This applies to the entire vertical of power. And in principle, to all Belarusians who are not indifferent and who are concerned about the future of the country," the head of state stated.

"Maybe I do not say it often but I highly appreciate the contribution of everyone to the strengthening of our country," the president added.

Aleksandr Lukashenko addressed special words of gratitude to the Olympic champions and prizewinners: "Last year you had to defend both the sports honor of the country and also the political position of the nation. This is a new, if you will, trend of our time."

Addressing the guests of the reception, the president said: "Have you noticed that we no longer say that sport, education, culture and healthcare do not mix with politics? Today it has become obvious: it is not enough to win in sport, it is not enough to amaze people in art or just be a professional. You need to be a patriot, to take pride in your country and communicate it to people. Today it is necessary to defend national interests and the state course in public, rather than, as people say, be as quiet as a mouse."

Expressing gratitude to all those present for the work done, Aleksandr Lukashenko emphasized: "We all serve our Belarus. This is our duty to the land that has nurtured us, to the state that gives us the opportunities to show our talents and develop."

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