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10 декабря 2014

Conference on doing business with Eurasian Economic Union held in Washington

A Belarusian delegation participated in the first conference “Doing business with the Eurasian Economic Union" which took place in Washington, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian Foreign Ministry.

The Belarusian delegation included the deputy director of the foreign economy department - head of the foreign trade policy directorate of the Foreign Minsitry Roman Sobolev and Charge d'Affaires of Belarus in the United States Pavel Shidlovsky.

The conference was attended by more than 100 people, including the director of the integration development department at the Eurasian Economic Commission Viktor Spassky, representatives of think tanks, law firms, business and banking community, mass media, and the embassies of Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia and Finland.

During the first panel session "What does the Eurasian Economic Union mean for its members” Roman Sobolev made a report on Belarus’ priorities in foreign trade and its investment opportunities.

During a discussion on economic and investment cooperation between the United States and Eurasian countries, the chairman of the Belarus-United States Business Cooperation Council David Baron shared his many-year successful experience of working in Belarus and cited the examples of the New York and London investment forums to illustrate the interest of the business communities of the United States and Europe in business opportunities in Belarus.

Belarus’ representatives also held a series of meetings with American businessmen who show interest in establishing mutually beneficial cooperation with Belarus.

Roman Sobolev and Pavel Shidlovsky are set to hold consultations at the Department of State, the Department of Commerce and the Office of the United States Trade Representative.