Address: 15, Komsomolskaya Street, Sharkovshchina, 211921
Phone: (8-02154) 6 13 48
Main / Business / Resources


Sharkovshchina region is located in the northwestern part of Vitebsk oblast and borders on Glubokoe, Postavy, Braslav and Miory regions. The administrative center is the urban settlement of Sharkovshchina. The total area of the district is 1189 km2.

The main mineral and extractive resources of the region are peat and clay. For the development of exports of the construction industry, good prerequisites are created by the presence on the territory of the region of significant reserves of clay and loam for the production of ceramic bricks, and engaging in handicraft activities.

This material is environmentally friendly, quite in demand among construction organizations.

Land resources are characterized by hilly relief, high boulders, clay soils. Of the total area of Sharkovshchina region, agricultural land occupies 68.3 thousand hectares, including arable land - 46 thousand hectares (67.3%).

In order to involve new lands in economic turnover, the land use are optimized, part of low-fertility and arable land with poorer characteristics is transferred to fodder and natural lands, which increases the fodder base and develops the production of agricultural products that are in demand abroad.

At present, investors have stepped up proposals for the use of agricultural land for the cultivation of grain crops, vegetables, laying gardens, berries. The implementation of such proposals contributes to the development of a raw material base for the food, textile, oil processing industries, for the cultivation of environmentally friendly products, medicinal raw materials and subsequent exports within the goods distribution network of investors.

Forest resources remain one of the most significant natural resources of the region: over 20 percent of the region's land fund is occupied by forests (31.8 thousand hectares). The composition of the forests is diverse, coniferous trees occupy a predominant position in the structure. Forest resources have a relatively high productivity. The age structure of forests is favorable for meeting the needs of the economy, both in the short and long term.

Thus, the natural resources of Sharkovshchina provide favorable conditions for the development of production and export of the woodworking industry, animal husbandry, processing industries of the agricultural and industrial complex, the development of tourism and recreation services in the region.

The available reserves of natural resources and the state of the environment promote for the expanded social and economic development of the region, the efficient and rational use of available resources, which ensures the preservation of unique landscapes and the biological diversity of natural complexes.