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Belarus expects record high colza harvest in 2017


Belarus expects a record high colza harvest this year, Agriculture and Food Minister Leonid Zayats said in an interview to Belarus One TV channel, BelTA has learned.

According to the minister, 2017 was a difficult year for the agrarians due to unfavorable weather conditions. At the same time, this year's harvest is higher than the previous one. "It is true both about grain and colza. This year we expect a record high crop of colza," he stressed.

Some 260,000 tonnes of colza was harvested last year. This year agrarians have already cropped 650,000 tonnes, said Leonid Zayats. "The amount will meet the domestic needs in colza in full and secure a reserve for exports," he noted.

According to the minister, there are enough grain drying plants to preserve the harvest.

Leonid Zayats said that about 4% of areas under potatoes have been harvested in the country. "The potato harvest looks good, which means the country's needs in potato will be satisfied in full. Belarus will also have enough potato as planting material and also a reserve of 300,000-350,000 tonnes for exports," he said.

The minister also mentioned flax. "The flax crop is also good. Some 47,000 hectares under flax have already been harvested. We have already stocked 7,240 tonnes of flax seeds, which is 750 tonnes up from the last year's period," he said.

Новости Беларуси (БЕЛТА)