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German ambassador's activity in Belarus hailed


The diplomatic activity of outgoing Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Germany to Belarus Peter Dettmar was constructive and well-balanced, Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Makei said at a function held on 12 June, BelTA has learned.

The minister stated that for every diplomat there comes a time when they have to bid farewell to the country where they had made new friends, found favorite places. Vladimir Makei stressed that Peter Dettmar and his wife spent eight years in Belarus and that the country can be named their second homeland. "The completion of his diplomatic mission coincides with the completion of his official activities, and it is twice as hard to say goodbye," the minister said.

Vladimir Makei stressed that it was sheer luck that such a highly-professional diplomat worked on the relations between Germany and Belarus. The minister also said that since the announcement of independence Belarus has considered Germany as its key partner.

Vladimir Makei emphasized an important role of ambassador's spouse Ilka Dettmar in the activity of the diplomatic mission and also in the operation of the Minsk Club of Diplomatic Spouses. "It is a great pity to say goodbye to the people who have done a lot for the bilateral relations and a positive image of Germany in our country," Vladimir Makei said.

Vladimir Makei expressed hope that Germany's new ambassador would promote the same constructive and well-balanced policy as Peter Dettmar did.

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