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Important union development initiatives in Belarus president's address to EAEU leaders


The expert believes that the proposal to allow the Eurasian Economic Commission to appeal directly to the EAEU Court is an essential one. “I would also like to point out the proposal to require that the Eurasian Economic Commission has to authorize any temporary restrictions on four freedoms – the movement of goods, workforce, services, and capital – at the national level,” Stanislav Naumov said. “At last, there is the third major point: the statement that only transition to a uniform industrial policy and a uniform agribusiness policy can eliminate the practice of temporary restrictions in the common economic space.”

The expert believes the need to go ahead with the previously planned and authorized completion of the formation of the common transport and energy markets is correctly emphasized by the Belarus president's statement. “We shouldn't criticize Aleksandr Lukashenko's statements about the cost of energy resources in this regard. The matter is more profound than that,” the expert noted. Apart from that, Stanislav Naumov drew attention to the proposal to work out a uniform information policy for all the Eurasian Economic Union member states.

“Yes, we are talking about politicizing the project but it will benefit all the social and economic programs the address mentions. It is part and parcel of modern life,” the expert concluded.