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Lukashenko about EAEU: We advance integration not for the sake of confrontation


Countries of the Eurasian Economic Union advance integration not for the sake of confrontation. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement in his speech during the 2nd Eurasian Economic Forum in Moscow, BelTA has learned. 

Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “We advance integration not for the sake of some confrontation. President Putin often talks about it. We would like to create multipolar equal and safe space for life activities. If we don't do it, we will trail along at the back. And they will constantly wipe their feet off us. It is our common goal and we are ready to work hard to reach it as soon as possible.” 

In conclusion Aleksandr Lukashenko once again underlined that time is the most important thing today. “Time is slipping away. Slipping away fast. We must not lag behind and we shouldn't fall behind. And our Eurasian Economic Union can play a major role in it because it has colossal perspectives. I'd say these perspectives are as great as those of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization or BRICS individually. This is why a lot needs to be done. We are moving in the right direction. Patience and time. And speed,” he said.

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