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Lukashenko: Belarus, Russia will not tolerate West's antics forever


Belarus and Russia have been tolerating the West's antics for the time being. But there is a limit to everything, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he met with Governor of Russia's Kaliningrad Oblast Anton Alikhanov in Minsk on 5 June, BelTA has learned.

According to the head of state, the unprecedented attempt made by the West in 2022 to limit Belarus' communication with Kaliningrad Oblast, free movement of goods by rail and road both from Russia and Belarus was doomed to failure. Today we are absolutely sure of this. No matter how hard they try to divide us with artificial barriers, they will fail,” the president said.

More still, this policy is likely to backfire, Aleksandr Lukashenko believes. Because in this way they are unleashing an economic (and not only economic) war. This is something that the hot heads in the West have been trying to do with respect to Belarus and Russia for a while. “Such policies have consequences. We are not threatening anyone. We just protect our interests - those of Belarus and Russia. We have been tolerating these stupid policies, though with great difficulty. But this cannot go on indefinitely. The Baltic states, and probably Poland too, should understand it very well,” the president said.

According to the head of state, Belarus and Kaliningrad Oblast have been overcoming all the difficulties, including thanks to accumulated potential in the industrial sector, industrial cooperation and long-standing friendship.

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