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Lukashenko: Modern times call for rapid evolution


SOLIGORSK, 26 June (BelTA) – A crisis means not only challenges but also opportunities, Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he met with Minsk Oblast top officials and executives on 26 June, BelTA has learned.

“We cannot let ourselves be complacent. Modern times call for rapid advancement and clear understanding of goals and prospects for Minsk Oblast. This is not just a cliché remark. A crisis does not only cause trouble, but also offers opportunities. We should use these challenging times to break into some new markets and gain a foothold there. If we do not do this, we will be in trouble. We need to dash forward whatever it takes,” the Belarusian head of state stressed.

According to him, the government and the National Bank have been charged with a challenging task – to invest everything into the manufacturing industry in order to secure a foothold in new markets. “This is all that reforms are about. We have to use what we have. We are deeply incorporated in international production chains, Belarus is an export-oriented country,” the president said.

“In these times, we should avoid disrupting anything, we should save our country, our economy, protect the people, and move forward by at least 5%. If we do this, we will get through this five-year period quietly, peacefully, without any shocks. This is our priority,” Aleksandr Lukashenko added.