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Lukashenko orders to spruce up some areas in Minsk downtown


MINSK, 9 February (BelTA) – Yakub Kolas Square and the former grounds of the Horizont TV factory need a facelift, Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he met with Minsk Mayor Vladimir Kukharev to receive his report on 9 February, BelTA has learned.

The head of state had instructed to do up the facilities earlier. Today he asked about the progress and reminded the mayor of his instructions.

“We agreed to tidy Yakub Kolas Square up. This is the center of the city and it needs to be taken care of,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

Speaking about the former production facilities of the Horizont factory, the president stressed that they need a makeover. “I know that you plan innovative projects there to turn the old premises into the most innovative and most advanced offices and production facilities. Yakub Kolas Square and the Horizont TV factory neighborhood need urban improvements. These territories should generate budget revenues. This target is achievable ,” he said.