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Lukashenko shares details of recent talks with Putin in Sochi


Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko met with Governor of Russia's Krasnodar Territory Veniamin Kondratyev on 19 September and shared details of his recent talks with President of Russia Vladimir Putin in Sochi, BelTA has learned.

Aleksandr Lukashenko remarked that today Belarus pays serious attention to the defense industry in view of the latest events in the region and the world. “Together with our elder brother [during recent negotiations of the presidents of Belarus and Russia in Sochi] we agreed how we will act in Belarus. Certainly, we don't want to reveal it in public. Our latest talks in your country were dedicated to defense and security,” the head of state said.

This is why he underlined the importance of joint actions for the sake of reducing the possibility of growing challenges and threats: “Ukraine is only the beginning. We may see worse things if we don't mobilize and don't show to them that we can retaliate well. We and Russia are most of all concerned about Poland. And America stands behind Poland. They have decided to destroy everything in this area. First and foremost, the European Union. Poland is the key foothold. In 2020 they wanted to merge Belarus with Poland and make us a dividing line between Russia, the East, and the West. But they failed. This is why now we pay close attention to defense.”