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Lukashenko to continue series of working regional trips with visit to Vitebsk Oblast


Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko will continue working trips to the regions of the country, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian leader.

Following the nationwide conference call on the harvesting campaign on 26 July, the head of state began a series of working trips to study the situation on the ground.

At the end of last week and beginning of this week, Aleksandr Lukashenko made trips to two districts of Minsk Oblast - Slutsk and Myadel. Focus was made on the progress in harvesting, new approaches to management, and the use of best practices in agriculture.

On 5 August, the president is set to travel to Vitebsk Oblast. During the nationwide conference call the president said that the conversation about the the integration structures or agro-industrial associations will be continued. This matter was previously discussed in great detail at a meeting in the town of Glubokoye in March.

All in all, seven such associations have been set up in Vitebsk Oblast. They have incorporated underperforming farms. One of them will serve as an example this time to examine their operation.

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