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Lukashenko: Unity is crucial for preserving independence of CSTO nations


Unity in the CSTO is crucial for preserving the sovereignty and independence of its member states, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he met with participants of the meeting of the Council of the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly in Minsk on 18 May, BelTA has learned.

“I am sure that the motto of the Belarusian chairmanship “Through solidarity and cooperation towards peace and security” chimes in with aspirations of all members of the CSTO. In this regard, the question of the unity in the organization cannot be ignored. During its chairmanship Belarus aims to take the necessary steps to boost solidarity of the CSTO states. We need to remove existing disagreements if we want to strengthen the organization, ensure security and stability in its area of responsibility,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

The president noted that he often discusses this problem with the president of Russia: “We don't want the sanctions imposed against us to be extended to your countries because of your cooperation with us. We absolutely don't need this. It will only make things worse. But I want to say that we very much hope that these attempts to tear us apart will not affect our unity. Economy is the cornerstone. So is the market.”

The head of state noted that a number of former USSR nations are facing various problems and challenges. “Yet, we somehow got together, discussed problems. And sometimes we took serious action in order to ease tensions in one or another part of the post-Soviet space. This is worth a lot. They are trying to take us apart. I want to ask you not to fall for these tricks! You should take care of your own interests, the interests of your peoples,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

For example, if it is profitable for Tajikistan to trade in its high-quality vegetables and fruits, then it should do it. And if it is profitable for Georgia to have air communication between Moscow and Tbilisi, there is nothing wrong about that either. “No, it is bad [opponents and ill-wishers say]. This example eloquently shows what they really want,” the president noted.

“Do not allow (first of all, you, parliamentarians) any rupture at this crucial moment in our history. Global superpowers are trying to re-divide the world, and their eyes are on us. We should hold on to each other. This is our policy. We invite you to follow suit. I think there is no other way to preserve the sovereignty and independence of our states,” the Belarusian leader is sure.

The CSTO Parliamentary Assembly should also have its say in this, Aleksandr Lukashenko noted. Parliamentarians, through their active role in the development and strengthening of the CSTO, will be able to heighten the organization's standing on the international arena. “Strong progress in this direction can also be achieved by strict adherence to the principle of indivisibility of security as an essential condition for a peaceful dialogue, fight against external pressure and sanctions,” the president said.

He expressed confidence that the meeting of the Council of the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly in Minsk will be held in an absolutely constructive atmosphere and will arrive at substantive decisions that will help strengthen the true alliance between the CSTO member states. “We will do everything we can for this. You can count on us; have no doubts,” the Belarusian leader assured.

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