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Lukashenko visits Minsk Center of Surgery, Transplantology and Hematology


Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko paid a visit to the Minsk Center of Surgery, Transplantology and Hematology on 25 February, BelTA has learned.

The head of state was briefed on development prospects of the center. He also studied how the center is run, what new technologies it uses in intensive care and what research outcomes it produced.

“Of course, we are such good-natured people, Slavs: we feel shy to make money on health. Yet, the question is not even about earning, we want our people not to have to spend money on treatment in Germany, somewhere else. Therefore, these surgeries, procedures and other high-tech things should be done here. This is the objective of providing support on my part and on the part of the state as a whole,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

The conversation touched upon schoolboy Roman Kogodovsky who carried his two-year-old brother out of a burning house last year, but ended up in intensive care due to severe burns. The boy underwent 22 surgeries - the best doctors of the capital city fought for the life of the teenager.

He was saved, in many ways, thanks to new solutions of the Minsk Center of Surgery, Transplantology and Hematology. “It is clear that this is only a drop in the ocean. In fact, the center boasts several developments in skin treatment,” said Oleg Rummo, director of the institution.

Aleksandr Lukashenko inspected the anesthesiology and resuscitation department and a hybrid operating room where patients can undergo computed tomography and angiography. This symbiosis allows more efficient work and is in great demand in cardiac surgery, cancer treatment, neurology, and transplant surgery.

The president also talked to patients. Some of them had undergone major surgeries, while others had been seriously ill with the coronavirus. One of them, Yulia, contracted the delta variant during her pregnancy. She spent more than a month in intensive care, was immobilized. By now she had almost recovered, but she still has problems with her hip joint.

“Speedy recovery to you, don't get sick anymore. Restore your leg function and after that join me for a run,” the president said.

By tradition, Aleksandr Lukashenko also visited the red zone.

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