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Makei: Belarus needs changes, but not through civil strife or revolutions


Belarus needs changes but not through civil strife or revolutions, Belarus' Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Makei said in his address to the members of the Belarusian diplomatic service, BelTA has learned.

“Changes are needed, no one denies it. But not at the cost of civil confrontation or revolutions as in this case the number of victims and negative consequences will be many times bigger. We have already been thrown back many years in our development due to the events of the recent days,” said Vladimir Makei.

He stressed that this is not what the Belarusians and the country deserve. “The evolutionary process, even if it is slow, is always more effective in the long term. We deserve better, where everyone is a personality, a countryman, a partner and a whole world for each other, not ‘red' or ‘white',” the minister said.

Vladimir Makei added that Belarus is now going through a painful stage of development of its independence, a civil society. “Please, always analyze the situation. It is difficult to do it with such an information flow, but you can do it,” the minister said addressing the colleagues. “At this crucial moment for our country, it is more important than ever to defend foreign policy interests of Belarus. They remain intact. Put aside your emotions and ask yourself: can I still be of use to the country in my area of work? I know my answer, because I do not want to lose my country. If your answer is yes, then cast aside your doubts and let us continue doing our job responsibly! Perhaps it was this point in history that fate was preparing you for!”