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Sergei Sidorsky: Belarus’ financial system is least influenced by global problem tendencies

The financial system of Belarus operates steadily and problem tendencies on international financial markets have little effect on it, Prime Minister of Belarus Sergei Sidorsky told President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko on September 25. The press service of the President quoted Sergei Sidorsky as saying, at present Belarusian money is not placed on stock markets, this is why it is important that banks with loans should perform their credit import transactions both home and abroad. The President was told that the government and the National Bank are fully in control of the situation and are doing their best to safeguard the domestic market from foreign influence. “We are managing so far. We haven’t taken any additional measures and are using regular procedures,” noted the head of government. Sergei Sidorsky also informed the President about the completion of autumn agricultural operations. At present virtually all oblasts are lagging behind in autumn ploughing and sowing. Orders issued by the government lack a proper response so far, said the Prime Minister. Only the Minsk oblast has presented a precise schedule outlining the completion of the autumn work. The head of state gave an instruction to prepare a summarising report for all the oblasts on September 29 regarding the completion of the autumn agricultural operations. This is why instructions will be sent to oblast and region authorities without delay with a view to expediting autumn sowing and the harvesting of flax and vegetables. Apart from that, the President was informed about the social and economic development of the country as a whole. The Belarusian industry is developing fast. In January-August 2008 the industrial output swelled by 13.1%, which is higher than the forecast (8-9%) and goals set by the government (11%). The agricultural output increased by 7.4% over the eight months of the year. In January-August fixed-capital investments increased by 21.8%, which is higher than the approved target (15-17%). In January-July the profitably of sold goods and services in the Belarusian industry amounted to 18.6% while the forecast was set at 12-13%. It is attributed to vigorous modernisation of Belarusian companies and results achieved by innovation programmes. All the factors contributed to a 10.6% increase in the GDP over the first eight months of the year while the forecast for 2008 stands at 8-9%. In January-July Belarusian salaries averaged Br832,800 and Br923,300 in July alone. Real salaries increased by 8.4% in January-July. Labour productivity is increasing fast: 10.1% up in the first seven months of the year, with the forecast set at 6.9-7.7%. The accomplishment of 17 out of 19 most important goals of the 2008 social and economic development forecast has been secured. Only two goals have not been reached — export and import operations. The Prime Minister also informed the President about the agenda of the forthcoming session of the Union government. The session is scheduled for October 6. Alexander Lukashenko has agreed to meet with Vladimir Putin as requested by the Russian Prime Minister.